Bow Athletics

Bow School District

CoEd Varsity Nordic Skiing

Game Summaries & Headlines.

CoEd Varsity Nordic Skiing boys and girls take 3rd at Capital Area Race

8.0 years ago @ 11:11AM
Game Date
Feb 22, 2017

The D-III Bow boys (354) and girls (354) both took third on Wednesday. D-IV Hopkinton was fourth on the boys’ side with 342 points and fifth on the girls’ side with 341.

The top finisher for the Bow boys’ team was Sully Blair, who was ninth overall. The Falcons other points arrived in a pack – Robert Ciotti (16th), Demian Kirpal (18th) and Samuel Neff (19th).

Sohani Demian (10th) was the top finisher for the Bow girls’ team, followed by Brianna Boone (13th), Isabella Urbina (14th) and Gwen Molind (18th).